Nomad Business Academy

Navigate taxes and your business numbers … even if you hate numbers, taxes stress you out or you feel overwhelmed by all things financial.

So many entrepreneurs hide a secret fear of their finances


I realize you’d rather be having fun with your business than reviewing numbers, but procrastination only makes it worse. It can cost you tax savings, deductions, or even penalties from the IRS. Believe one is born knowing how to be their own CFO. There’s nothing wrong with you or your business savvy, and you CAN manage your business finances with confidence. All you need is a little basic knowledge—without having to scour the internet for the right advice. Want to feel in control, confident, and empowered by the numbers?

Owning a business is: 


Rewarding, yes! But, still—hard.

Navigating the complex world of business finances and taxes is overwhelming, leaving you feeling lost and confused.

You spend hours of time researching which takes precious time away from doing other things (hello freedom life).

You worry about the potential repercussions of doing it wrong,  missing out on tax deductions, or that dreaded IRS letter.

And if you’re reeeally honest with yourself (and me!), you know you want an amazing business without any problems.

And then some.

So what's the hold up?

You've probably got enough questions to fill a jumbo jet… and no one to help you answer them. 


  • You started an LLC. Now what?
  • You're new to being an independent contractor. How does that impact your taxes? 
  • What are self-employment taxes? 
  • How do you pay yourself out of your business?
  • What expenses do you need to track and how do I begin to do that?

And the worst part? Google, good ole’ YouTube, TikTok, and all the time spent researching make things more confusing. No matter how many glasses of boxed wine you drink.

Month after month, you’re left exactly where you started. Struggling to understand taxes, feeling anxious about business money, mapping out your business without setting financial goals, guessing at expenses to track, and wondering if you’re business is successful or not. Even feels like everyone else has it down.


Your head starts filling up with a few easily believable (but totally untrue) thoughts trying to sabotage your dreamy business and lifestyle.

(Believe me, I've been there...)

It's time to squash the doubts holding you back and hit the road

Big Doubt #1:
I hate working with numbers and always procrastinate finances because of this

I get it. While I'm a numbers person, not everyone is. Here is what I know to be true… 

You don’t need to love (or even like) numbers to be successful. 

Hello... software! Use tools to remove this fear and make it easier and less time-consuming to tackle those numbers. They won't feel so overwhelming with the right tool on your side.

Procrastination only makes things worse and adds to the stress. It's inevitable you'll need to deal with the numbers. Why not have that extra time to do the fun things knowing the numbers are all set?

Big Doubt #2:
I need a huge budget and a team to make this work

Okay, this one’s gotta go! It’s straight up not true.

You don’t need complicated tech, a big team, or lots of extra money to start a business. 

Sure, those things are nice—and you may want them eventually—but you don’t need them to do what you love and follow your dreams. 

You can create a successful business and live your dream life. While being your own boss isn't for everyone, you CAN do this. Simplicity (and profitability!) is my jam.

Big Doubt #3:
Taxes are too confusing 

I get it. The tax code is long and the rules are plentiful.

But I also know you can learn the basics and that's all you need to know to get started.

You can also understand tax requirements so you avoid surprises and know what you need to pay and when.

Learning the rules around expenses and deductions is important to help reduce your tax bill. We all want to pay as little as possible, right?!?

Plus, if you understand the basics, you can hopefully avoid an audit or nastygram in the mail. Hello... less stress and more freedom to live your dream life.

I'm here to teach you the basics so you can do the things you love and not worry about taxes.

Now, slow your scroll for a sec.

Imagine what it would be like to get financial clarity and know you're a successful digital entrepreneur!

You'll no longer be afraid of numbers and dread tax time. Bring it on! You got this!

You know your business is properly set up for tax savings and growth so you can focus on the fun stuff you love doing.

You would be growing a business that’s actually supporting the life you dream about.

Sound too good to be true?

It's not.

...I know because I’ve done it, and I’ve helped hundreds of other online business owners do it. 

 And I can’t wait to show YOU how to do it too.

But wait, have we officially met?

Hey, I'm Heather Ryan!

Wife. World traveler. Baker. Hiker. Kayaker. Craft beer sampler. Adventure lover.

And since 2016 I have been living and loving the digital nomad life. It's a balance of travel and running my business 100% remotely.

Let’s be honest… my business and career haven't always been easy (it's still a work in progress like any other business). But I have worked hard to make it fit my dream life.

When my husband and I hit the road, I had to say goodbye to a physical office. That also meant losing 25% of

my clients. They weren’t ready to work with a virtual tax preparer. I had to trust that it would work out. 

Determined to make the nomadic lifestyle work, I believed that my business would pick back up with new amazing clients. There’s something to be said about the power of positivity and gratitude. 

However, this wasn’t easy and meant that I truly had to learn some new skills. One of them was to learn the marketing side of things. Yes. I had the skills and knowledge to prepare tax returns but I wasn’t sure the other business skills were quite there yet. 

It was a learning process to put on different hats. I had to learn marketing, get comfortable speaking in front of crowds, and learn to review my metrics (thanks Google Analytics) to make my business a success once again. 

If I can do the things I don’t enjoy, then you can too! I promise they get easier with time and patience.

I soon celebrated goals like hitting 1,000 views on my website in one month, hitting $100,000 in revenue, and landing my first speaking gig.

From there, things kept going but learning and growing never ended.

--> All thanks to trusting in myself and setting up processes. 

Sometimes when I’ve got an amazing view out my window and the only noises I hear are the birds, I stop and think: 

THIS is the life. Freedom to choose where I work, how my business is set up, and the time to enjoy the little things in life. 

Getting to be more present with friends and family, having work days doing something I love, and creating and LIVING the life I've always dreamed of.

I share all of that to show you what’s possible (and why I’m so obsessed) with helping my fellow digital nomads and RVers succeed with their businesses.

Plus, I want to highlight why—after over 9 years in the tax and financial business and helping hundreds of business owners save on taxes— I’m more dedicated than ever to helping YOU reclaim your time, have more freedom, and make a big, big impact in the world. 

And let’s take this one step further. Cause, if you know me, you know I won’t settle for a middle-of-the-road promise.

I’m dedicated not only to helping you reduce the stress around money and your business...

But to help make sure your business (and life) can look dramatically different a lot sooner than you think. 

Enter:  Nomad Business Academy 

Aka the exact framework, tools + expert support (from meee!) to take you from overwhelmed business owner to queen (or king) of your finances.

No more Googling. 

Now's the time to build the business around your lifestyle.

No more analysis paralysis or overwhelm of where to begin. 

 Use my system, and customizable tools to learn all the tax and financial knowledge from my number-obsessed brain.

If you’re with me, now’s the time to get excited because it’s about to be ALL yours.

as seen on

let me introduce you to...

Nomad Business Academy

A complete, step-by-step program that teaches you how to take control of your financial life as a digital nomad or RVer, guiding you from feeling overwhelmed to becoming a master of your business finances.

The secret sauce behind NBA?

It's the Remote Revenue Roadmap where I walk you through what you need to do to organize your business finances.

I'll make sure your business is set up properly, all your financial processes are in order, it's clear how to track all your expenses, and you fully understand all your tax obligations

Plus, you'll have all the tools to make it easy.

No more overwhelm. It can all be simple to do.


Here's what's waiting for you inside 

Nomad Business Academy...


Build Your Foundation

Before you can officially launch a business, you need to lay the proper foundation. 

Once you lay a strong foundation, the open road is yours for exploring.

Things like…

 Understanding what an LLC is

 Tax impacts of your business structure

 What's an EIN and why you need it

 Separating business and personal finances



Record keeping

After building a strong foundation, you’ll want to make sure you have an easy-to-follow and strong process for record-keeping. 

This is where the numbers start to come into play but don’t worry, they’ll be easily manageable.

  Top 3 reasons to keep good records 

  How and when to reconcile your books

  3 easy ways to be organized financially

✓  Software solutions to make your life easier



Expenses That SAVE
You’ve laid a strong foundation, you’re ready to go with your record-keeping processes.

Now it’s time to learn all about business expenses you can use to help reduce taxes.

Expenses like:

  Home office deduction 

  Taking phone and internet as a nomad

  Health insurance as a tax deduction 

  Depreciation - what is it and how do you take it

  Retirement options for the business owner



No One Works for Free

Moving right along this fast-paced highway, we’re now onto working with contractors or being a contractor yourself. 

What does that mean for you and how do you properly handle this?

Things you'll learn

  3 steps to know when working with contractors 

  How to pay yourself as a business owner 

  3 things to consider when paying yourself 

✓  What’s a 1099 and when do you need it? 



Tackle Your Taxes
Your foundation is laid, financial processes got the green light, and you understand the expenses you can take as a nomadic business owner… now onto the big scary elephant in the room, taxes.

Time to understand all your tax obligations and yes, there are quite a few to get a grasp on. No more confusion or misunderstanding. Let’s tackle this one head-on. 

 Get clarity around:

  Self-employment taxes 

  Income tax

  Estimated tax payments - when and how to make them including the amount to pay

✓ Sales tax - is this something you need to worry about?

  Payroll taxes if you plan to have employees

  Foreign tax credits and obligations



Reporting Like a Pro

Things are running smoothly and business is looking good. You’ve hit a couple of bumps in the road but you’ve managed to smooth them out. 

Now what? It’s time to dig deeper into your numbers. This means learning to read financial reports and what reports you even need to be reviewing. 

In this module, we'll discuss:

  Which reports you should review and why

  Using my special method to help you plan for growth

  Looking at projections and reviewing trends so you can grow 

  Seeing exactly where you spent your hard-earned cash


And you'll be supported every step of the way with student-favorite features like...

6 Weekly Coaching Calls


Questions cropping up as we move forward. (It's only natural!). That's exactly what our live coaching is for. 

Join Heather and your fellow students for a series of six weekly coaching calls! Treat our weekly coaching calls as energizing power meetups where I address your queries in a lively video session.  

These calls are broadcasted live each week but don't stress if you're unable to join. You always have the option to submit your question beforehand and later view the recorded session at your leisure.

Private Community


Inside the Nomad Business Academy Facebook group, you’ll connect with other nomadic business owners, get support, and stay accountable. Cause we LOVE us some accountability in this space. 

You’ll have lifetime access to the NBA community. Because once you’re a NBAer, I’ve got your back.


Loooooove a good bonus stack? Me too.

Get instant access to over $3,500 in course bonuses to make creating and launching your course easier than ever.

Monthly Live Q&A Calls

$2500 VALUE

Got questions? Of course you do! 

This is a time to ask our tax expert, Heather, all your questions live. And if you can't make the live calls?

No worries! We've got you covered with access to all the replays!

Nomad Tax Vault

$397 VALUE

We understand that taxes can be confusing and time-consuming. That’s why we created the Nomad Tax Vault for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and digital nomads. 

This one-stop-shop provides all the resources you need to get your taxes done right! The Vault includes detailed tax templates, trackers, checklists, and more. 

These tools make it easy to estimate and track your taxes throughout the year and give you confidence you're doing taxes accurately.
Nomad Software Vault

$497 VALUE

The Nomad Software Vault is the ultimate resource for digital nomads and freelancers to keep their businesses running smoothly. 

This software suite provides essential tools to help you with tasks like:
  • invoicing,
  • payroll,
  • document management,
  • and more! 

With the Nomad Software Vault, you’ll have access to the best of the best: top-notch software, easy-to-follow tutorials, and integrations.
Guide to Tax Forms and Their Deadlines


This guide is designed to help digital nomads, RVers, and freelancers understand their tax filing obligations.

The comprehensive guide will provide you with a detailed overview of the tax forms that apply to your situation, along with the specific deadlines associated with each form. 

Never miss a deadline again.
6 Steps to Starting a Business Guidebook


Do you know how to set up your business legally? Or which business structure to select? Heather has got you covered!
This comprehensive, step-by-step guide covers all the essentials of starting a business. 

Everything from:
  • Setting up your business legally 
  • Choosing a business model
  • Registering your business
  • And more! 

It also provides easy-to-understand breakdowns of complicated terms and other tools to help streamline the process of launching your business. With this Guidebook in hand, you’ll have all the information you need to get started quickly and easily!
Top 30 Tax Words You Need to Know


Complicated terms confusing you when it comes to your taxes? Allow Heather to make things simple with this guide!

This resource will help you understand all the important words you need to know when filing your taxes, such as depreciation, net profit, and taxable income. 

With the Top 30 Tax Words You Need to Know, you’ll feel confident you understand the taxation system!
Financial Planning & Goal Setting Worksheet


You know the saying, fail to plan - plan to fail? This definitely rings true for your finances. If you're all over the place and have no idea where you're money is going - you need this bonus! 

The Financial Planning and Goal Setting Worksheet is the perfect way to get your finances in order.

With this easy-to-use worksheet, you can figure out your short term and long term financial goals and map out a plan to reach them.
Brainstorm Your Business Worksheet


Are you ready to reach your business goals, but aren’t sure where to start?

The Brainstorm Your Business Worksheet is the perfect tool for brainstorming creative ideas and action steps to help you succeed.

This comprehensive worksheet features thought-provoking questions that are designed to spur creativity.

With this worksheet, you’ll be able to create a clear path to success for yourself and your business!



program is WELL over $10,000 (IN TRUE, NON-INFLATED PRICES...)

But right now, you get everything for

Only $997

Payment Options


3 Payments of


  • Complete Step-by-step Program (drip content available starting October 1)
  • 6 Week Coaching Calls
  • Monthly Live Q&A (replay available to students)
  • Student Community
  • 50 Resource Guide: No more wasting time searching where to register
  • Worksheets to help guide you on your journey
  • Checklists to make sure you’re getting it done
  • Plug-n-Play Calculators to Make Financials Simpler
  • Software recommendations including discounts
  • Sample Profit and Loss Statement
  • Tech tutorials


1 Payment of


  • Complete Step-by-step Program -(drip content available starting October 1)
  • 6 Week Coaching Calls
  • Monthly Live Q&A (replay available to students)
  • Student Community
  • 50 Resource Guide: No more wasting time searching where to register
  • Worksheets to help guide you on your journey
  • Checklists to make sure you’re getting it done
  • Plug-n-Play Calculators to Make Financials Simpler
  • Software recommendations including discounts
  • Sample Profit and Loss Statement
  • Tech tutorials 


100% Risk Free

When you join Nomad Business Academy you are welcomed into a safe space for nomadic entrepreneurs. It’s a place to brainstorm, build, register, and prosper with your business. 

The best part?

This is a proven system. Hundreds of clients have used the tools in this course to help guide their businesses. 

We believe in the quality and effectiveness of our course, and we stand behind it with our 7-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t think it’s helpful or as awesome as it’s promised to be, simply request a refund within 7 days of purchase and you’ll get a full refund.

You must do your part and have reviewed some of the lessons to know it’s not a good fit for you. I won’t even ask for that newly gained business insight back ;)

Simply contact our customer support team within 7 days of your purchase and let us know why you're not satisfied. We'll process your refund as soon as possible.


Here's how it works:

As soon as you enroll, you’ll be sent a welcome email with your username and password to access Nomad Business Academy. Then, everything is yours & you can get started right away! 

You’ll be invited to join our private Facebook group where you’ll meet me at our next live Q&A Call and all of your fellow digital nomads who will welcome you into the community with emojis and cheers. 

From there, start implementing and join our calls every month for continued support and coaching!



    This program is suitable for anyone who is interested in growing their business from the ground up. It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out - this course can provide valuable insight and guidance to help you tackle your business finances.

    While parts will directly speak to Digital Nomads, this course is open to all business owners and freelancers wanting to finally get a handle on their finances.
    If you’re in the process of starting a business, this is the perfect time to take this course!

    Follow the guidelines in the course to get your business up and running in no time. The course will help you get organized and registered correctly from the beginning. Plus, you’ll have your finances in order and understand your tax obligations from the start. It’s never too early to get organized.
    OK I get this, big time. Between client work, full time travel, a relationship and more, it's hard to fit extra things in.

    BUT! Think about what this course gives you! FREEDOM from worrying about your business finances. I think this is well worth the time investment!

    And actually, it's a lot simpler than you think! You get access to all the lessons from day one. It’s your choice how quickly you complete the lessons. I suggest you complete one lesson a week so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

    Plus, this will allow you to commit the same amount of time each week to the lesson and corresponding worksheet.

    You'll have your business finances in order in no time!
    It’s both! The course content itself is recorded so you can learn at your own pace. You’ll get instant access to all the course material, workbooks, tools, templates, and bonuses too!

    But true learning doesn’t take place in a vacuum. I show up each month in our private Facebook group for Q&A calls. Think of those like mini-coaching sessions where you get your questions answered!

    You can also use the group for feedback or to troubleshoot your ideas with your fellow digital nomads.
    As soon as you enroll, you’ll be sent a welcome email with your username and password to access the Nomad Business Academy. Then, everything is yours & you can get started right away!

    And you’ll be invited to join the Facebook group where you’ll meet me at our next live Q&A Call and all of your fellow digital nomads who will welcome you into the community with emojis and cheers.

And in case you're wondering how Nomad Business Academy stacks up to those other programs out there...

Other Programs:

  Limited information: Many programs out there give only a fraction of the information you need to start and run your own business.

  Too Much Jargon: Other programs focus on complicated concepts and don't break it down in easy-to-understand words

  Rely only on Outside Coaches or Assistants to answer your questions, so you never get to connect with the actual course Founder

  Have Limited-Time Access to course content and community—which means after a few months, you’re on your own

  Have content not related specifically to nomads and RVers

  Include Complicated Guarantees that require you to submit your coursework or hop on a call to get your money back. *Eyeroll*

Nomad Business Academy:

  LOADED with Practical Examples & Templates so you can grab a Google Doc, download a workbook, or customize a template to see results—fast

  Gives YOU access to a comprehensive curriculum that covers the entire spectrum of business finance knowledge!

  Teaches you how to successfully manage your business on the go and get the most out of your nomadic lifestyle

  Monthly Live Coaching with Heather so you can ask all your questions and get answers from her in real-time

 Gives Students Lifetime Access—to the course material, the community, AND full access to all future updates for free

  Protects You with a Hassle-Free Money-Back Guarantee (no sleazy stuff here!)

  Is 100% Built with Your Success in Mind so you can join knowing that I’m (…yes, me—Heather!) always thinking about how to best support you

Let's get started!

Join our private community and come to the next Q&A call!

Still here? Oh, good!

I made you a little something...


  You’re a digital nomad, RV entrepreneur, freelancer or small business owner who wants to master their numbers
  You’re looking for a proven method to take the guesswork out of understanding your business finances and taxes
  You want a business that builds more flexibility and freedom into your life
  You want to connect with a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who understand the unique challenges and advantages of a nomadic lifestyle
  You're committed to building a sustainable, profitable business that supports your love for adventure and exploration

This isn't the course for you, if...

You already know everything there is to know about Business Finances and taxes as a digital nomad. 

You're not interested in saving more on taxes by simply understanding what deductions are available to you.

You’re not willing to make the time to learn and implement the program material.

Proven Strategy. Templates + Tools. Live Coaching. 

...and a community cheering you on.

Payment Options


3 Payments of


  • Complete Step-by-step Program (drip content available starting October 1)
  • 6 Week Coaching Calls
  • Monthly Live Q&A (replay available to students)
  • Student Community
  • 50 Resource Guide: No more wasting time searching where to register
  • Worksheets to help guide you on your journey
  • Checklists to make sure you’re getting it done
  • Plug-n-Play Calculators to Make Financials Simpler
  • Software recommendations including discounts
  • Sample Profit and Loss Statement
  • Tech tutorials


1 Payment of


  • Complete Step-by-step Program - (drip content available starting October 1)
  • 6 Week Coaching Calls
  • Monthly Live Q&A (replay available to students)
  • Student Community
  • 50 Resource Guide: No more wasting time searching where to register
  • Worksheets to help guide you on your journey
  • Checklists to make sure you’re getting it done
  • Plug-n-Play Calculators to Make Financials Simpler
  • Software recommendations including discounts
  • Sample Profit and Loss Statement
  • Tech tutorials 



Time for a little heart to heart.

I’m a tell-it-like-it-is business financial strategist, known for zero fluff, easy-to-understand explanations, and numbers over drama. 

There isn’t a one-size fits all approach to growing a successful remote business but I believe anyone can create an incredible level of freedom from being their own boss. And that’s what I’m here for. 

Your business shouldn’t be your whole life – it should be the vehicle that helps create your dream life. And I’m going to help you get financial clarity so that business can grow and be successful. 

What makes me an authority figure on this subject? 

Since 2013 I have helped hundreds of clients save thousands on their taxes. It’s not just about saving on their taxes though. It’s also been about educating, taking the time to answer questions, and being a guide for clients which has helped me stand out among tax professionals. 
Plus, I live the life of a nomad. I get it. Whether it’s moving a meeting because of a travel day or suffering through an unplanned mishap or having no good internet access. They all resonate.

You might ask about my credentials. Well, I’m an EA or enrolled agent (that’s a federally-licensed tax specialist) and I also am an NTPI fellow (think tax resolution). I have over 10 years of experience preparing taxes, 15 years of experience with bookkeeping, and over 15 years of experience being my own boss. 

Don’t trust me alone. I’ve been brought onto podcasts including RV Entrepreneur, Rootless Living, The Workamper Show, and YouTube channels including The Camper Report, NERVDA, Drivin’ and Vibin’. 

On top of that, I’ve written articles for Xscapers, Escapees, Rootless Living Magazine, Workamper News, and more. Lastly, I’ve done live sessions at Escapade, Western Slope Start-Up Week (Colorado), Xscapers Annual Bash, WEST Retreats, and the RV Entrepreneur Summit. 

I’ve also prepared tax returns for clients in over 38 states. That number even “wows” me. It’s been such an honor to help hundreds of clients and business owners navigate the world of being an entrepreneur. Now’s the time to let me help you!

Get on in here and let’s get to work!

See you on the inside!

Want to chat it through? 
Get in touch:

DM on Instagram:


  • Total payment
  • 1xNomad Business Academy$0

All prices in USD

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($497.00)$497.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x $199.00)3x $199.00

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